Prisma 5 – Call For Artists

In times of relative democratization of technologies, it seems that creators depend less and less on others to carry out their work. There are those who believe that individualism is one of the marks of contemporary art. However, here and there proposals born from the effective collaboration of two or more artists come to light, and the result does not usually imply the limitation of capacities or the renunciation of certain poetics, but rather the happy confluence of dissimilar ways of assuming the fact aesthetic. And that collective work usually encompasses a broader spectrum of concerns and expectations. Does not reduce. Multiply.
The new call for the Prisma contest is committed to the creative collaboration of two or more artists, who can present a common project. Get together to create, at a time when it is necessary to reinforce the values of solidarity and respect for others.
All Cuban artists will be able to participate, but ArteMorfosis wants to especially encourage students from art academies and schools in the country, based on the importance of group processes in the training of arts professionals.
Maintaining this collaborative spirit, we invite Cuban artists over 18 years of age and residents in Cuba to participate with one (1) work developed from the collaboration between two or more creators.