ArteMorfosis Celebrating first Anniversary

Celebrating 1st Anniversary
On April 16, 2015 ArteMorfosis opened its doors to the public for the first time at Weinbergstrasse 15 with Flora Fong’s solo exhibition ‘ART: ELIXIR OF LIFE’. In August Ernesto García Peña’s solo exhibition ‘ISLAND LYRICS‘ was the second and last exhibition to take place at that venue.
By good chance we discovered a vacant store predestined to become our next gallery close to the Kunsthaus of Zürich, where several galleries are located – hence Gilberto Frometa’s solo exhibition ‘TROPICAL LIGHT’ was opened at our new location at Rämistrasse 31.
Our first year was closed with our first independently organized group exhibition ‘CUBAN ART MADE IN ZÜRICH’ of Alex Morales, Alexey Cubas and Carlos Piloto Canovas; three Cuban artists who live and work in Zürich.
In Cuba we have had a tremendous success, our exhibitions were mentioned in Granma and the Cuban Embassy in Bern supported our exhibits by publishing the events on their web portal. When we ask Cuban Artists to display in Zürich we get overwhelming responses and we were able to fill our exhibition for the first 3 years within the first year of our existence.
Each Vernissage was visited by more attendees and we were able to attract repeat visitors which already are dear to us. The feedback to our catalogs is very encouraging and our Mail-Mailing List is growing daily.
As a first anniversary present we have updated our corporate identity from:
Our butterflies have escaped to freedom and the retro, grunge fonts have been replaced with a timeless classic font – What remains: our logo remains committed to the yellow, energetic warmth of the Carribean Sun and the freshness of lemon; and the Cuban Joy of Life is depicted by a playful, hand drawn spring ‘M’ which also represents the artistic creation cycle – the cycle we call ArteMorfosis.
We have matured in our first year, but we remain very fresh.
Thank you everybody for all your support, we have had a great, great 1st year!
Idalmys and Johann